Hi! I’m Daniel Taylor “DT” and this is my wife Emily. I’m a US Air Force Academy graduate, veteran, and videographer. I’ve been blogging about travel since 2014.
My beautiful wife is a professional DODEA English teacher for military kids stationed with their parents in USAG Bavaria, Germany.
Throughout this blog, we focus on three simple things:
1) PCS Preparation for US Military Families Moving to Germany
2) Travel within Germany, Europe & Beyond!
3) Local Resources as Americans Living in Germany
This is our story…
When I was in the military, I heard that teachers on military bases overseas were hired from the U.S. and brought over to teach American students.
The program is called the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA).
She’s been an English teacher through this program at Netzaberg Middle School.
The offer was a 2 year contract minimum. The U.S. government will move you, pay for your plane tickets, rent, and utilities – in addition to a normal teacher salary. The opportunity is a dream for any U.S. teacher.
Later, after I married Emily, I realized this would not only be a great opportunity for her career, but also for us to travel.
And she wholeheartedly agreed!
She applied in November 2013, and in July 2014, she interviewed for a teaching position with DoDDS: DoDEA Europe. Within the blink of an eye, she received the final offer letter, I quit my job, and we landed in Grafenwoehr, Germany in August 2014 – just in time to celebrate at Oktoberfest in September!
Once we arrived, there was no stopping us. We thought we only had 2 years in Germany, so every dime we earned went towards travel (YOLO!).
Meanwhile, I was able to explore my passion for filming and editing as we bounced from country to country.
2 years and 20+ countries later, we thought, “Why not 2 more years?”
4 years and 40+ countries later, we thought, “Why not 2 more years?”
So here we are, still living our dream in Grafenwoehr, Germany, traveling the world, and that’s when I decided to give back to other local Americans living in Germany.

Ready to live your best life abroad?
We know how difficult it is to move to a new country, so we created these guides to help you settle in quickly and start traveling! Because the best part about being an American living in Germany is the wanderlust life.
• Ready to Travel? We compiled the top 10 places you have to visit when PCSing to (Grafenwoehr) Germany!
• Trying to find a job? See employment options while living in Germany
• Looking for something to eat? Check out these K-Town restaurants!
But if you’re ready to jump into local travel, check out our latest videos about life in the USAG Bavaria region! We’ve got suggestions for local fests, day trips within a 1-hour drive, 2-hour drive, or easy train ride…the possibilities are endless!